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Interview with Beast Of Prey2005-10-01 / Dobermann / Reads: 8322Dobermann: Will you please tell us something about history of your label? -Beast of Prey: The story is quite simple: I established Beast Of Prey in 2001. I had been making music that I wanted to have published somewhere and I keep doing that now. I didn't escape... |
Interview with Bunkier Productions2005-10-01 / Dobermann / Reads: 7030Dobermann: Will you please tell us something about history of your label? -Bunkier Productions: Bunkier Productions was established in 2001. It was when I finished recording “Ghosts Of Breslau” which was later published as „Peste”. I hadn't even thought of sending it somewhere, I wanted to publish... |
Interview with War Office Propaganda2005-10-01 / Dobermann / Reads: 7446Dobermann: Will you please tell us something about history of your label? -War Office Propaganda: War Office Propaganda was established at the turn of the year 2003/2004 . It was the moment when the first part of the series Scontrum (well-known and already associated with WOP) was released. The CD was... |
Interview with Andy La Plaque2005-10-09 / Attack / Reads: 17566Interview with Andy La Plaque - co-founder of Combichrist, Icon Of Coil and Panzer AG Date of interview 6th March 2005, after the show during Balck Flames Festival 2 inside Blue Note club, Poznan. Attack: Hello! What is your impression after this show, here, in Blue Note in... |
The interview with Amduscia2005-10-09 / Attack / Reads: 14733The interview's time and place: 6th March 2005, after the concert during the Black Flames Festival 2, in the club “Blue Note” in Poznań. Attack: Hello! What is you first impression after the concert? -Amduscia: The Polish fans are great, excellent audience, their reaction was a real surprise for... |
Interview with Digital Factor2005-10-09 / Attack / Reads: 11555Interview with the group “Digital Factor” The interview's time and place: 6th March 2005, after the concert during the Black Flames Festival 2, in the club “Blue Note” in Poznań. Attack: How did you like the Polish audience and fans? What do you... |